Best coin by value on Binance Futures | 2024/09/05

Here’s the latest market summary for September 05, 2024: SOLUSDT is the most traded altcoin on the Binance futures market. Over the past day, 317 different currencies have seen trading volumes exceed $1 million on the Binance futures market. See the table below for a full overview of trading volumes for other currencies:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCUSDT 256438 14686540695
ETHUSDT 2438723 5904427427
SOLUSDT 18343741 2400763281
WIFUSDT 466193376 725127605
1000PEPEUSDT 81574913160 592078868
BTCUSDC 9346 535224645
DOGSUSDT 519746155900 530870484
ORDIUSDT 16890251 519647274
AAVEUSDT 3665903 484051387
REEFUSDT 430540903534 480164772

Best coin by value on Binance Spot | 2024/09/05

Trading insights for September 05, 2024: Today’s most traded altcoin on the Binance spot market is USDCUSDT with the highest volume. Over the past day, 283 different currencies have seen trading volumes exceed $1 million on the Binance spot market. See the table below for a full overview of trading volumes for other currencies:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCFDUSD 33223 1905263615
BTCUSDT 28908 1654155426
ETHFDUSD 460735 1118112130
USDCUSDT 719368674 719396446
ETHUSDT 279763 677248421
FDUSDUSDT 462662796 462030579
SOLUSDT 2904821 380548038
SOLFDUSD 2655315 348753432
BNBFDUSD 423466 214838653
BTCUSDC 3305 189115248

Best coin by value on Binance Futures | 2024/09/02

Trading insights for September 02, 2024: SOLUSDT is the most traded altcoin on the Binance futures market. The Binance futures market had 317 currencies trading over one million USD yesterday. Below is a table listing all other coins by volume:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCUSDT 227397 13151171860
ETHUSDT 2377765 5840406895
SOLUSDT 21220418 2782578620
1000PEPEUSDT 85640585117 628125333
DOGSUSDT 537131290290 624581088
WIFUSDT 350373833 505656961
BTCUSDC 8642 499773364
SUNUSDT 12868241138 438550647
1000SATSUSDT 1179190381840 332189370
BNBUSDT 627409 322654397

Best coin by value on Binance Spot | 2024/09/02

As of September 02, 2024, here’s the trading update: Today’s most traded altcoin on the Binance spot market is SOLUSDT with the highest volume. Over the past day, 293 different currencies have seen trading volumes exceed $1 million on the Binance spot market. Below is a table listing all other coins by volume:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCFDUSD 23684 1371500020
BTCUSDT 22074 1276697158
ETHFDUSD 344886 848497100
ETHUSDT 242195 595180318
SOLUSDT 3398906 445231407
FDUSDUSDT 341511452 341216163
USDCUSDT 320710269 320726275
SOLFDUSD 2001581 262611446
BNBFDUSD 310436 159945349
BTCUSDC 2573 148907073

Best coin by value on Binance Futures | 2024/09/01

Here’s what’s been happening in the market on September 01, 2024: The most popular altcoin on the Binance futures market today is SOLUSDT, showing significant trading volume. There are 315 currencies that have traded over 1 million USD in the last 24 hours on the Binance futures market. Below is a table listing all other coins by volume:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCUSDT 120301 7028388461
ETHUSDT 1272706 3168117053
SOLUSDT 11048811 1472532115
SUNUSDT 19972120689 717963341
DOGSUSDT 293462726673 373171551
1000PEPEUSDT 45494495310 344052034
WIFUSDT 196119881 293871569
BTCUSDC 4234 247381706
RDNTUSDT 2620395816 218977064
1000SATSUSDT 729502962606 211911922

Best coin by value on Binance Spot | 2024/09/01

Here’s what’s been happening in the market on September 01, 2024: FDUSDUSDT tops the list as the most actively traded altcoin on the spot market as of today. Over the past day, 236 different currencies have seen trading volumes exceed $1 million on the Binance spot market. Below is a table listing all other coins by volume:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCFDUSD 14435 845654270
BTCUSDT 12965 758377980
ETHFDUSD 232276 580173812
ETHUSDT 127860 318664630
FDUSDUSDT 279433286 279143983
SOLUSDT 1676429 223458895
USDCUSDT 165891103 165897914
SOLFDUSD 1122784 150241238
BNBFDUSD 188550 99357588
BTCUSDC 1383 80918743

Best coin by value on Binance Futures | 2024/08/31

Here’s the latest market summary for August 31, 2024: SOLUSDT is the most traded altcoin on the Binance futures market. 319 currencies have successfully surpassed the $1 million trading mark on the futures market in the last 24 hours. Here’s a detailed table showing trading volumes for other coins:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCUSDT 212660 12498308688
ETHUSDT 2225495 5544140308
SOLUSDT 16808463 2285767327
SUNUSDT 21461469226 754331468
DOGSUSDT 518028479960 667957273
1000PEPEUSDT 75935769017 581712570
BTCUSDC 8218 483033220
WIFUSDT 312646399 472036088
RDNTUSDT 4068109765 327322110
DOGEUSDT 3219827656 323270715

Best coin by value on Binance Spot | 2024/08/31

Market update for August 31, 2024: Leading the charge in the spot market, USDCUSDT has the highest trading volume today. The Binance spot market had 289 currencies trading over one million USD yesterday. Below is a table listing all other coins by volume:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCFDUSD 25594 1508675521
BTCUSDT 21560 1267884518
ETHFDUSD 366933 918721268
ETHUSDT 286210 713632783
USDCUSDT 460251187 460259602
SOLUSDT 3281205 446089730
SOLFDUSD 2146225 292706398
FDUSDUSDT 280660337 280396409
BTCUSDC 2799 164650227
BNBFDUSD 280672 149956561

Best coin by value on Binance Futures | 2024/08/30

Here’s the latest market summary for August 30, 2024: The most popular altcoin on the Binance futures market today is SOLUSDT, showing significant trading volume. A total of 316 currencies exceeded a trading volume of one million USD on the futures market in the last 24 hours. The following table provides a breakdown of trade volumes for all other coins:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCUSDT 243479 14535690791
ETHUSDT 2050503 5205324451
SOLUSDT 17071307 2408485033
DOGSUSDT 682020557946 907885472
SUNUSDT 22427601901 761861416
1000PEPEUSDT 86804189914 676562369
1000FLOKIUSDT 4488296774 607146835
BTCUSDC 9876 589455628
WIFUSDT 327593230 515082550
VIDTUSDT 6539005239 337218868

Best coin by value on Binance Spot | 2024/08/30

Market update for August 30, 2024: Leading the charge in the spot market, USDCUSDT has the highest trading volume today. A total of 298 currencies exceeded a trading volume of one million USD on the spot market in the last 24 hours. See the table below for a full overview of trading volumes for other currencies:

Currency Coin Volume USD Volume
BTCFDUSD 32167 1923457891
BTCUSDT 27968 1670205332
ETHFDUSD 425574 1080821366
USDCUSDT 868305346 868131442
ETHUSDT 232500 590116694
SOLUSDT 3203300 451506781
FDUSDUSDT 411760375 411409284
SOLFDUSD 2371045 334278898
BTCUSDC 3732 223026920
FLOKIUSDT 1534894503854 207640620